My Battlestation
I love technology! See where I bring my projects to life, along with my entire device fleet.
Besides making software, I have a variety of other interests. Where better to show them off than right here on my website?
Don't forget to check out my blog!
I love technology! See where I bring my projects to life, along with my entire device fleet.
I've been a LEGO® fan all my life! See what's in my collection, read my reviews and check out some other cool resources!
You can also find me on Brickset and Bricks Stack Exchange as LegoSonicBoy — that's my original LEGO® Club username from 2001!
I'm a moderator and a top contributor on one of the largest programming sites on the Internet.
I've been active on Stack Overflow since November 2009, and I was elected to be a ♦ moderator by the community in November 2011. NOVALISTIC 5.0 "Veldin" was launched in November 2015.
There's something about the month of November...
Besides Ratchet & Clank, I have a small selection of favorite video games.
My main gaming platform is PC (check out my battlestation!), with the highly notable exception of Ratchet & Clank, it being a PlayStation-exclusive franchise (this being part R&C fansite).